Home schooling or home education, as well as unschooling, is
deciding to take your childs education in to your own hands, not sending them
to state school. I will mostly be using the term children throughout this piece
of writing, so sorry if you only have 1 child, it's just easier
People who home school are ‘ordinary’ everyday people. Just
like most other families they want their children to succeed and do well, and
most of all be happy. There are many reasons why parents decide to home ed,
such as:
* disagreeing with the school system
* dissatisfaction with teaching methods/the curriculum
* children are unhappy at school
* children may not be ready for school yet
* children/parents may be unhappy with the amount of time
children have to spend away from them / siblings
* children may have had negative experiences at school
* children may have special needs that can't be met at
* religious reasons
Laws vary country to country, in the USA state to state. Home
schooling is illegal in Germany (except under very rare circumstances)and
Switzerland. In England and Wales the law is clear that while education is
compulsory, school attendance is not. The fundamental piece of legislation
regarding education in England and Wales is the Education Act 1996 (a
consolidating act which incorporates the 1944 Education Act and later
legislation). The only relevant sections are:
"The parent of
every child of compulsory school age shall cause him to receive efficient
full-time education suitable ;
a) to his age, ability, and aptitude, and
b) to any special educational needs he may have, either by regular attendance at school or otherwise."
a) to his age, ability, and aptitude, and
b) to any special educational needs he may have, either by regular attendance at school or otherwise."
Within this
definition parents have generous latitude and much freedom. Provided the child
is not a registered pupil at a school, (though if they are you have every right
to have them de-registered in no more than 3 days) the parent is bound by no
other constraints. In particular, there is NO obligation
* seek permission
to educate 'otherwise';
* take the
initiative in informing the LEA (again, unless they've been in the system, in
which case the LEA will be aware of them);
* have regular
contact with the LEA (as above);
* have premises
equipped to any particular standard;
* have any specific
* cover the same
syllabus as any school;
* adopt the
National Curriculum;
* make detailed
plans in advance;
* observe school
hours, days or terms;
* have a fixed
* give formal
* reproduce school
type peer group socialisation;
* match school,
age-specific standards.
The LEA's duties and powers in relation to home-educated
children are contained in the Education Acts, 1944 to 1996. These are fully set
out in sections 437 to 443 of the 1996 Act and (except in relation to special
educational needs) are limited to the provisions of those sections.
"437. - (1) If it appears to a local education authority that a child of compulsory school age in their area is not receiving suitable education, either by regular attendance at school or otherwise, they shall serve a notice in writing on the parent requiring him to satisfy them within the period specified in the notice that the child is receiving such education."
"437. - (1) If it appears to a local education authority that a child of compulsory school age in their area is not receiving suitable education, either by regular attendance at school or otherwise, they shall serve a notice in writing on the parent requiring him to satisfy them within the period specified in the notice that the child is receiving such education."
Flexi schooling is also an otpion, where children are allowed
(at the schools discretion) to attend a set amount of days per week and be home
schooled for the rest.
So…home Schooling is legal, you DO NOT have to be a
'qualified' teacher, you are not the only ones doing it and there is support
available. Back in the 19th century there were actually more kids that were
home schooled than those that were not. There are different motivations and
methods of home schooling and results of a Home Education (both social and
academic) vary. This is a source of vibrant debate. Browse my articles to find
out MUCH more!
Some famous home schooled people: John Stuart Mill, Patrick
Moore, William Blake, Yehudi Menuhin, Bertrand Russell, Her Majesty the
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